Posted on 25 July, 2022.
You went to college or trade school, specialized and set your career and life path pretty early on. 20 years later you are still in your lane, doing what you do because it’s what you went to school for and were passionate about 20 years ago. You have invested in your employer, career and are “following the plan” to retirement. And yet……. Something in the back of your mind and heart are prompting you to get out of your lane and do something different…… Something more. But wait!! Is that jumping out of the flow?
Here is the really simple, direct answer: NO. Staying in your lane when your heart, soul and passion are steering you in a different direction is 100% being in the flow. THE REAL FLOW. Not the flow society, your employer, your family and your expectations say it should be. That’s just staying in your lane so you don’t disturb others with your wants and desires. Listening to your heart and following your passion even if its contrary to what you were taught about how you should directionally manage your life is in fact staying in the flow of who you are meant to be.
Personally, I have had a very fruitful and fulfilling corporate career. I have people reach out for mentorship and advise on how to get as far as I have as a woman and a person of color in a predominately male dominated industry. I am humbled by the opportunities I have had and grateful for the experience. However, I am a very different person from that 21 year old that started out having lofty goals for my career. I want more and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!! More for me means following my entrepreneurial spirit, surrounding myself with a group that supports my values and my value. Being true to myself, re-evaluating what fulfills me will lead me to a richer live. I believe this for myself and for you. So, here is the plan I follow to get to where I am meant to be and not necessarily stay in the lane society thinks I belong in:
- Check your motives: Are you saying you want to shift or try something new because you want to run away from a situation or because you have a calling? Think about it. If you are running away then you are not running towards something. Running away does not create positive momentum. It only creates a small reprieve from what may be a bad situation. If you feel like running away then identify why you are running, acknowledge it and then identify what you want to run towards. Put emotion aside and think through what you really want out of life and honor it.
- Set your intention: When you know what you want you need to stand in your truth. Fear of how you will be perceived or misunderstood or better yet, fear of being rejected will hold you back and reduce your ability to get to that level of fulfilment you are seeking. Be clear in where you want to go. Plan it. Vision board it. Journal it. Accept it and know that if it’s your intention then it’s not meant for others, it’s yours.
- Don’t hide your truth: We spend so much time worried about how others perceive us and how people will react to who we are and what we do that we hide. Stop covering for the sake of others. Stop covering because of fear. Stop covering. It does not serve you, feed your soul or support your core being. Be open about what you want to do. You don’t have to take out an add or post your intention on social media (unless you really want to because you are excited about your decision). You do have to be honest about what you want to do with your life to your family and friends so that they can process it. Yes, there may be resistance and some people will not get it. Do it anyway. It’s your life. These are your goals. This is your passion. No one else will live your life for you. Opinions are just that- other people’s thoughts that do not have a complete insight into who you are.
- Test, learn and fail. Get up and repeat and succeed: You need to test out the waters of how to get to where you want to go. It won’t be perfect but it will be great experience for you. Live in a place of grace for yourself so when you succeed, celebrate. When you fail, celebrate the lesson then get up and do it again. You will get to where you are supposed to be and the path will be all your own.
So, are you in the flow or just staying in your lane? Where do you belong?