Posted on 25 July, 2022.
You have been wronged. You know it. You feel it. You are angry. All very valid feelings. Now, what are you going to do about it? Life is full of ups and downs. Bad things happen. Things out of your control happen. Other’s perceptions may affect you negatively. For years……. And then, you need to move on. Here’s why:
Being the victim does not serve you: Feeling defeated, deflated and angry is great for about 10 minutes, but then everything you are thinking about already happened. Its not what is in front of you. Your ability to move from a victim mentality to a mentality of power through owning your present path and future actions is what will get you to a place of healing and peace. Staying angry, sad and continuing to perpetuate the past will never move you forward. It will leave you stagnant.
Karma will deal with it: You can get to the truth, if you want, and look at your accusers and let them know that you know what they did. You may feel some sense of closure and yet, more than likely you will still be angry. The best advise I ever got was to let go, let God (or the Universe) and go to sleep. When you disconnect from it something magical happens. Peace. You can see a new vision for yourself and move towards it. So let Karma deal with the bad. After all, you know what they say, Karma is a B*tch.
Moving on with grace is YOUR win: Moving on and being your true self, succeeding as your true self is a gift to you and the world. So whatever happened you may feel like you lost momentarily but you will be a winner for life when you let go and move on to your highest version of yourself. Success = Self love + (Action + Grace) so any movement toward success is your win.
So- what are you letting go of today? What anger are you finally done with and moving away from?