Posted on 25 July, 2022.
Being in the flow is a real thing. When you are in the flow things seem easier, they just happen. But being in the flow requires some action on your part. You need to let go. Yes, letting go is hard. What should you let go of? Do you even want to? Why let go when the world tells you that you need to stand up and fight/argue/defend/state your truth……
Here are some thoughts on letting go that may help you make this an easier process:
- Identify what is causing resistance: This one requires you to be honest with yourself. If your hopes, desires, wants give you angst because they are not happening the way you want or fast enough…..LET THEM GO. Anything that is causing you anxiety, sleepless nights, negative thoughts. Yeah even if you want it so bad that you are “standing up for your truth” and getting worked up about it. LET IT GO. This is not easy since it will feel like defeat. Know that it is not. Honoring those negative feelings is self-defeating. Letting them go is your win to open the door to the RIGHT things for you.
- When you let go, DO NOT look for something else to latch on to: I hear this all the time. “Well that did not happen for me so I need to focus on something else.” So really, you are replacing one thing you just let go for another. Really (scrunch face emoji). When you let go there is a feeling of emptiness or silence that can be difficult if you have never been alone with yourself before. Sounds very yogi of me but hear me out. Most of us live in a world or noise, chatter, distractions and hyperstimulation. Part of that world includes the things that we are “working towards” that are just not happening at this time. When you let go, it makes room within your psyche to re-evaluate, love yourself and really get to know what makes you happy. So, make that room and get comfy in that quiet positive void. Drop your artificial timeline and stay there for a while. Being in a quiet space leaves room for you to notice the good things that are coming your way. You will notice that they come effortlessly and although unexpected they will feel right.
- When the good unexpected things happen, accept them and don’t try to look for what is missing: You wanted that new job but instead you got a great opportunity to help the community. Yup, not what you were looking for but also did you know that this may be the path to your ultimate goal? A lot of the time we miss the forest for the trees. Receive the blessing, new opportunity, the unexpected and move forward. Don’t look back or to the sides to see if there is something different.
So, are you willing to be introspective and let go? I promise it will be one of the best things you will do for yourself and will help you know that you are back in the flow.